INTELLIPLANS: Expert SEO and PPC Digital Marketing Agency. Nationwide. Tallahassee.

What is Digital Marketing?

Once you have your marketing plan, INTELLIPLANS’ advertising department can implement it, helping you promote your company or products on more than 200,000 outlets on TV, in print and online.

What is Digital Marketing?

Simply put, digital marketing is any type of marketing that’s done online. Of course, that covers a lot of ground, but it can be narrowed down to five major areas — Search Engine Optimization (more commonly known as SEO), Paid Search, Email Marketing, Social Media Marketing and Business Listings…

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SEO Checklist for Web Designing

SEO Checklist for Web Designing is a list of items for every web designers to check while designing their websites to keep the web pages optimized for search engines and achieve high ranking in major search engines.

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Website Security

Top Ten Online Shopping Security Tips

Every year billions of dollars are spent by consumers on line; and as the trend is growing rapidly, shopping security is still the number one factor in which a person may choose not to buy from a website.

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Website Security

Improving Web Site Security

Even the best firewalls, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and other protective measures will not enough to guard Web applications against every attack. It is infinitely more difficult for security professionals to figure out what new and innovative trick will be used to bypass security than it is for hackers to find that trick.

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Website Security

Website Security Rules Explained

2006-2007 has been the years that online shopping has come into its own with online consumers spending a record $65.1 billion in merchandise via the web. More and more people are getting comfortable with online shopping and are engaging in online shopping, research and exploration of various membership and subscription sites.

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What is Search Engine Optimization - SEO?

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

In basic layman terms, search engine optimization (SEO) is what makes a website appear on the first page of a popular search engine like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. However, there are a lot of techniques involved behind the website that makes it easily recognizable by the search engine. The mere presence of a website online is of no importance now if it cannot be searched. It was at the start of the internet boom that websites appeared in the search engine results as they were created. Now it takes a lot of effort and technique in order to be reached on the web.

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Get on Top. Stay on Top. SEO Top 10 Services by INTELLIPLANS

To ensure that websites stay on top of search engine results website optimization services are now an essential requirement. Search engines are frequently changing their strategies for ranking websites and newer approaches for website optimization need to be known in order to stay in conformance with the search engine rankings. Website optimization services focus on SEO implementation for the website that includes the addition of relevant keyword and phrases as well as editing meta tags, image tags, and optimizing other components of the website.

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Search Engine Optimization - SEO Top 10 Listings in Google

Search Engine Optimization – SEO Top 10 Listings in Google

Most websites want to be ranked in the most popular search engines since that is what most people use. Google is one of the search engines that have actually provided opportunities to be creative in SEO techniques. Much of the SEO implementation revolves around the techniques and algorithms used in Google to get the sites to rank high.

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