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Critical Security Alert: Immediate Action Required to Remove miniOrange Plugins from WordPress Sites

Website Security Tips
Website Security

Website Security Tips

Keep Your Versions Updated This is one of the simplest ways to stay a step or two ahead of the hackers. By downloading the newest

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Website Security

Top Ten Online Shopping Security Tips

Every year billions of dollars are spent by consumers on line; and as the trend is growing rapidly, shopping security is still the number one factor in which a person may choose not to buy from a website.

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Website Security

Improving Web Site Security

Even the best firewalls, Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) and other protective measures will not enough to guard Web applications against every attack. It is infinitely more difficult for security professionals to figure out what new and innovative trick will be used to bypass security than it is for hackers to find that trick.

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Website Security

Website Security Rules Explained

2006-2007 has been the years that online shopping has come into its own with online consumers spending a record $65.1 billion in merchandise via the web. More and more people are getting comfortable with online shopping and are engaging in online shopping, research and exploration of various membership and subscription sites.

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