INTELLIPLANS: Expert SEO and PPC Digital Marketing Agency. Nationwide. Tallahassee.

How to Build a Beautiful and SEO-Friendly Website

How to build an SEO friendly website with website builders


SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. It is a very common term you’re probably heard for promoting websites. It is a way to make any website very attractive to search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!. By optimizing your website’s content, you’ll potentially get more visitors to our website, but only if it’s actually found.

SEO means “Search Engine Optimization”. It is a very common term you’re probably heard for promoting websites. It is a way to make any website very attractive to search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo!. By optimizing your website’s content, you’ll potentially get more visitors to our website, but only if it’s actually found.  

Here’s a brief start on how to get your website to be found.

Help Google (and users) understand your content

Let Google see your page the same way a user does

When Googlebot crawls a page, it should see the page the same way an average user does. For optimal rendering and indexing, always allow Googlebot access to the JavaScript, CSS, and image files used by your website. If your site’s robots.txt file disallows crawling of these assets, it directly harms how well our algorithms render and index your content. This can result in suboptimal rankings.

Recommended action:

  • Use the URL Inspection tool. It will allow you to see exactly how Googlebot sees and renders your content, and it will help you identify and fix a number of indexing issues on your site.

Search engines keep updates about websites frequently and it shows the sites that have been optimized properly. One thing is that if a site is being copied from another site then the copied site cannot be in front of the source site in any search engine. So we need to ensure the uniqueness of the content, otherwise, only performing SEO perfectly, will not help much.

In Internet marketing, SEO plays a vital role because it always analyzes the algorithm of a search engine, thinks about people’s choice, and observes term typed in the search engine. The keyword is one of the most important factors for the search engine. Due to this reason SEO has an importance on the right keyword. For example, a person wants to know about “SEO company in Tallahassee” s/he will type the phrase “SEO company in Tallahassee” in the search engine. Then the search engine will find websites related to SEO companies in Tallahassee.

If a website is optimized properly, then that page should appear at the top portion of the search engine result page (also known as SERP).  There are over a hundred or more factors (as of 2020) that impacts your website’s SEO ranking and having proper keywords does not guarantee that your webpage will be at the top of the result or even in the top 10 results, however, SEO aims to take your site to that spot to help to gain more visitors for that page. 

We need to remember that an SEO-friendly website should not manipulate search engines via black hat techniques. 

What is Black Hat SEO?

Black hat SEO is a practice against search engine guidelines, used to get a site ranking higher in search results. These unethical tactics don’t solve for the searcher and often end in a penalty from search engines. Black hat techniques include keyword stuffing, cloaking, and using private link networks.

 It is not the random event that works to take a website to the top spot. In fact, there is a system for this procedure. SEO websites are clean and informative. Automated bots of search engines can easily read the SEO websites easily. If they read these sites easily, then placement among results of these sites increases. Moreover, SEO websites are very structured and contain useful information. 

Poor quality content that’s of no value to the searcher is also a common practice in black hat SEO. This includes content scraped from another website either by a bot or a person. At one point search engines like Google weren’t good at recognizing content that had been copied from other websites. The Google Panda update in 2011 resolved this issue. Many sites with duplicate content took an instant hit in search rankings. Since then, Google has gotten much better at recognizing duplicate and low-quality content.

There are some methods that SEO websites follow. They are getting indexed, preventing crawling and increasing prominence. From these methods, these sites can take a very good place in any search engine. Actually, these methods are the key to search engine. Hence SEO websites get an advantage from this site and improve its rank as well.

To get the idea practically, we need to know the real example that are the most popular SEO websites. Some of them are SEOBook, SEOMoz, search engine and etc.

So in this competitive internet marketing, SEO websites are essential to get advantages. People need good products or useful information about something within a short amount of time. They use a search engine to find results about this. The search engine puts the best choice at the top of the result. SEO websites aim to get that spot. These sites are prepared for this as well. In this way, people can visit these sites easily. Here two benefits have occurred, first one is that people get the best thing and the second one is that an SEO webpage gets visitors and goes ahead. In a word, SEO websites are useful assets.        

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INTELLIPLANS helps small businesses and nonprofits enhance their online presence and maximize their operational efficiency through comprehensive digital solutions.

3 Responses

  1. Every few years a few, voices from distant corners of the marketing world whisper that SEO is dying. But with an estimated value of over $70 billion dollars, SEO isn’t going anywhere soon.

    Even though the whispers are generally false, they do hold kernels of truth. While SEO isn’t dead, over the years, elements of it have either died or evolved into something totally new. As a result, outdated SEO tactics can now actively kill your rankings.

    Quick note: If you’d like to learn about how SEO has evolved, be sure to watch SEO: The Movie.

    1. The CMS (content management system) you choose for your business can hugely influence how successful you are. WordPress is a great option in many situations, but it’s not the only one. It certainly is wired up at a basic level in a way that Google can understand. This is not to say it is the best choice for all situations, but certainly, it’s a good starting point for most businesses. Just be sure that the CMS you choose is the right one for your situation, rather than the one your chosen web company prefers to work with.

  2. The most popular device used to conduct internet searches and to browse websites is the mobile phone. We live in a mobile-first age. Sites optimized for search engines should give equal consideration to the mobile layouts of their websites (rather than just bolting on simple responsive website design).

    Yet, in 2017, responsive design is not enough. We were talking about the importance of responsive website design in 2012. Five years later, with massive technological progress and greatly improved mobile data networks, your future customers are using mobile as the first, and often only, device to interact with your business.

    To create a truly mobile-friendly design and maximize results from mobile search, you must think of the needs and wants of mobile users. What a user will do on a phone is often far different from what they will do on a computer. And even if your conversions tend to be on a desktop, that crucial first touch may well be on mobile.

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