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Website Builders: The Pros and Cons of SEO

SEO Website Builder


The main advantage of SEO website builder apart from creating professional websites is making them search engine friendly. Several of the SEO website builders provide tools that assist in providing good rankings of the website as well as the designs aspects of the website.

It is not possible for every person wanting to have a website to be able to acquire professional services that can help in building as well as making it SEO friendly. Different types of SEO website builders can help the novice in order to achieve this purpose. Professional looking websites can be created without having to master the HTML code and other tasks related to website building. With such SEO website builders in hand people can focus on the content and the marketing aspects of their website.

What can be achieved?

The main advantage of SEO website builder apart from creating professional websites is making them search engine friendly. Several of the SEO website builders provide tools that assist in providing good rankings of the website as well as the designs aspects of the website. The number of templates and design can help in making appropriate layout of the website according to the purpose it is serving.

SEO website builder also provides optimization techniques by embedding relevant keywords and images that can help in making the site SEO friendly. These builders help the creator in putting texts links in the appropriate places which will help the site in getting indexed by the search engine.

Normally the page structure provided by an effective SEO website builder is SEO friendly as it eliminates dynamic characters and uses text based navigation menus. They also provide statistics related to the website traffic and hits which enables the website owner to analyse the performance of their site in detail and mark out the deficiencies in the site.

Providing Full Control

An ideal SEO website builder provides full control of the templates that need to be embedded in the website along with the customized addition of titles, description and keywords per page. An efficient SEO website builder also provides the ability to edit the HTML code in the pages in order to further optimize the pages. This is beneficial for those who are familiar with website coding.

Overall the tools provided by an efficient SEO website builder enable the proper implementation of an SEO friendly website and the creator does not have to do much effort in coming up with a professional look. Such type of builders are very effective in creating blog sites with fully enabled SEO package that helps in indexing the blog quickly by the search engine as well as draws traffic to the site.

You should build a website to benefit your users, and any optimization should be geared toward making the user experience better. One of those users is a search engine, which helps other users discover your content. Search Engine Optimization is about helping search engines understand and present content.

Choosing the Right Tool

Checking the affectivity of SEO website builder is important when choosing one to create a website. Many free SEO website builders are also present but there is less control on the website features in free tools. It is a good strategy to compare two to three SEO website builders in order to know the pros and cons according to the requirements of the website to be created. Efficient SEO website builders will offer all the possible tools that are needed to make the website search engine friendly and getting updated as the algorithms of popular search engines change.

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INTELLIPLANS helps small businesses and nonprofits enhance their online presence and maximize their operational efficiency through comprehensive digital solutions.

3 Responses

  1. From Google — Robots.txt is not an appropriate or effective way of blocking sensitive or confidential material. It only instructs well-behaved crawlers that the pages are not for them, but it does not prevent your server from delivering those pages to a browser that requests them. One reason is that search engines could still reference the URLs you block (showing just the URL, no title or snippet) if there happen to be links to those URLs somewhere on the Internet (like referrer logs). Also, non-compliant or rogue search engines that don’t acknowledge the Robots Exclusion Standard could disobey the instructions of your robots.txt. Finally, a curious user could examine the directories or subdirectories in your robots.txt file and guess the URL of the content that you don’t want seen.

    In these cases, use the noindex tag if you just want the page not to appear in Google, but don’t mind if any user with a link can reach the page. For real security, though, you should use proper authorization methods, like requiring a user password, or taking the page off your site entirely.

    1. In 1998 when our servers were running in Susan Wojcicki’s garage, we didn’t really have to worry about JavaScript or CSS. They weren’t used much, or, JavaScript was used to make page elements… blink! A lot has changed since then. The web is full of rich, dynamic, amazing websites that make heavy use of JavaScript. Today, we’ll talk about our capability to render richer websites — meaning we see your content more like modern Web browsers, include the external resources, execute JavaScript and apply CSS.

      Traditionally, we were only looking at the raw textual content that we’d get in the HTTP response body and didn’t really interpret what a typical browser running JavaScript would see. When pages that have valuable content rendered by JavaScript started showing up, we weren’t able to let searchers know about it, which is a sad outcome for both searchers and webmasters.

      Taken from here:

      What are your thoughts on today’s website builders?

  2. The SEO metrics

    For each of the 6.4 million domains in our dataset, we pulled four key Ahrefs SEO metrics:

    Domain Rating (DR): A measure of the overall strength of a website’s backlink profile on a scale from 0–100. Higher = stronger.
    — # of referring domains: The number of unique linking websites.
    — # of “dofollow” referring domains: The number of unique linking websites with value-passing links.
    — Estimated organic traffic: The estimated number of monthly organic visits from Google.

    From here, we sliced and diced the data to try to understand more about the SEO implications of these WIX vs WordPress vs Website Builder platforms.

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